General conditions and terms -Privacy and Personal Data Policy
Hotel são mamede (harsons as) terms and general terms and conditions of use of the website and sales
Hotel são mamede (harsons sa), is a company registered at the commercial registry office of cascais under registration number 03986 and legal person 500965579
(contact: telephone: +351 214659110 (national landline))
Before ordering the services, the customer declares that the reservation of said services is for his/her personal use.
As a consumer, the customer has specific rights, which may be challenged in the event that the reserved services are used within the scope of their commercial, industrial, business, professional or agricultural activities.
All the information available on the website, which allows you to book services, is provided in portuguese and english.
The customer confirms that he/she has full legal capacity to commit to these terms and conditions.
The customer accepts the terms and conditions of sale of the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) and the conditions of sale for the rate booked at the time of booking; it is not possible to make bookings without this agreement.
The customer has the option of saving and editing these terms and conditions using the standard functions on their browser or computer.
1. Hotel são mamede (harsons sa) publishes and operates the hotel booking website
1.1 hotel são mamede (harsons sa) services
The website allows users to request information and book rooms at the hotel são mamede (harsons sa)
other services can be booked via the website or with partners of the hotel são mamede (harsons sa). Bookings are made directly between the customer and the partners of the hotel são mamede (harsons sa)
The customer confirms having received all the necessary information from the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) on the website.
All bookings made via the website imply full consultation and acceptance of these terms and conditions and the conditions of sale for the rate booked.
The website includes the following information:
The legal notice which allows the precise identification of the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) and which discloses its company name, the address of its premises, its e-mail address, telephone number, registered office and nif;
The main characteristics of the accommodation offered (the hotel facilities can be visualised at the booking stage);
The additional services offered;
Payment methods;
The general terms and conditions of sale for the price booked;
The validity of the offer and its price;
The minimum length of the proposed contract, if applicable;
The payment methods accepted;
the main features of existing accommodation, prices and available dates of accommodation are displayed on each hotel page during the booking process.
partner services
Hotel são mamede (harsons sa) enters into partnership agreements with third party travel websites. These partnerships allow the customer to search, select and book rooms at the hotel são mamede (harsons sa), using partner services on partner websites directly with the hotel são mamede (harsons sa), without leaving the website interface.
The website allows users to book rooms at the hotel são mamede (harsons sa)
the customer confirms having received all the necessary information on the website from the hotel são mamede (harsons sa).
Any room reservation made via a partner's website requires consultation and full and unconditional acceptance of the specific terms and conditions of said partner, the conditions of sale of the rate reserved and the terms and conditions of sale of the hotel são mamede (harsons sa).
Throughout the various stages of the booking process via the partner service on each partner's website or mobile services, the following information is mentioned:
The legal notice enabling the precise identification of the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) and disclosing its corporate name, the address of its premises, the e-mail address, the telephone number, the registered office and the nif;
The main characteristics of the accommodation offered (the hotel facilities can be visualised at the booking stage);
Payment methods;
The general terms and conditions of sale for the price booked;
The payment methods accepted;
The main features of existing accommodation, prices and available dates of accommodation are displayed on each hotel page during the booking process.
2. Definitions
The terms used in this document are defined as follows:
"acknowledgement of receipt":
An e-mail sent by the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) website to the customer summarising the booking made by the customer and confirming its receipt by the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) website. In partner services, this means the e-mail sent by o hotel são mamede (harsons sa) to the customer summarising the reservation made by the customer via the service available on the website or mobile services of a partner and confirming receipt by o hotel são mamede (harsons sa).
"conditions of sale of the booked rate":
Specific conditions of each reservation made by the customer regarding payment of the reservation, as well as the possibility of modifying or cancelling it.
"booking confirmation":
Virtual document summarising the services booked by the customer on the website or via mobile services and possibly indicating the customer's bank card number in the context of a prepayment or guarantee. Acceptance of the booking confirmation by the customer constitutes a contractual commitment.
"user(s):" refers to any internet user browsing the website, whether a customer, manager or simple internet user, with or without an account.
Any individual acting for purposes outside the context of their commercial, industrial, business, professional or agricultural activity .
Any message, in text, voice, sound or image format, sent over a public communication network and stored on a network server or on the recipient's work equipment until it is received by said recipient.
"reservation request":
A booking request for a hotel room made by the customer via the o hotel são mamede (harsons sa) website or on the website or mobile services of its partners
Service providers (i) available on the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) website and/or (ii) that allow users to access the website or mobile services through their own websites, mobile services or any other tool, including, in particular, travel operators, car hire companies, train and flight ticket providers and price comparison websites.
"online booking":
Booking hotel rooms via the virtual booking form on the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) website or on the website or mobile services of its partners
Booking hotel rooms whose main characteristics are presented on the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) website
"partner service":
The reservation of hotel rooms whose main characteristics are presented in the hotel adverts available on the website, mobile services and/or any other tool of its partners.
"mobile services":
All services and protocols that make it possible to connect mobile terminals to the internet and, in particular, that allow the consultation and booking of hotel services provided by hotel são mamede (harsons sa)
"site or website":
Electronic service operated by hotel são mamede (harsons sa), on the internet, available at
"operator": hotel são mamede (harsons sa)
3. Object
These terms and conditions define the rights and obligations of the parties in connection with the remote booking of services offered by hotel são mamede (harsons sa) and its partners on the website and mobile services.
They cover all the necessary booking and post-booking phases between the contracting parties.
The customer acknowledges having read and accepted these terms and conditions of sale and the conditions of sale of the rate booked, available on the website. These terms and conditions also include the customer's personal data protection plan. By accepting these terms and conditions, the customer expressly accepts the provisions of this plan.
4. Scope of application
These terms and conditions of sale apply to all bookings made on the internet via the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) website or on the website or mobile services of its partners.
5. Duration
These terms and conditions of sale apply for as long as the services of hotel são mamede (harsons sa) and partner services are available on the website and/or mobile services.
Hotel são mamede (harsons sa) reserves the right to temporarily or permanently block access to its website and online booking space without prior notice.
6. Enforceability of terms and conditions
In any case, the version of the terms and conditions of sale that binds the customer is the one in force at the time of booking on the websites or mobile services.
7. Bookings
The customer selects the services presented on the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) website or on the website or mobile services of its partners.
the customer confirms that he/she is aware of the nature, purpose and booking methods of the services available on the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) website or on the website or mobile services of its partners and that he/she has requested and obtained the necessary and/or additional information required to make the booking in full knowledge of the facts.
The customer is solely responsible for their own selection of services and their suitability for their needs. Hotel são mamede (harsons sa) cannot be held responsible in this regard.
The booking is deemed to have been accepted by the customer at the end of the booking process.
8. Booking process
Hotel são mamede (harsons sa) services
Bookings made by the customer are made using the virtual booking form available online on the hotel são mamede (harsons sa) website
The booking is considered to have been made from the moment that hotel são mamede (harsons sa) receives the online form or booking request, or when payment is made by bank card.
Before making any booking, the customer must fill in the information requested on the booking form or order.
The customer confirms the veracity and accuracy of the information provided.
The booking process includes the following steps:
Step 1: searching for a hotel and selecting a room and a rate;
Step 2: where applicable, selection of one or more supplementary services (applies to the website only);
Step 3: checking the booking details, the total price and the applicable terms and conditions of sale, making the necessary changes to the selection (room, rate, supplementary services), only in the case of online bookings;
Step 4: filling in the customer's details;
Step 5: entering credit card details in the event of a guarantee or prepayment request;
Step 6: consulting and accepting the terms and conditions of sale and the conditions of sale of the rate booked before confirming the booking;
Step 7: confirmation of the booking by the customer;
Partner services
Bookings made by the customer via partner services are made using the virtual booking form available online on the website and via the mobile services of each partner.
The booking is considered to have been made when hotel são mamede (harsons sa) receives the online form or the booking request, or when a payment is made by bank card.
Before making any booking, the customer must fill in the information requested on the booking form or order.
The customer confirms the veracity and accuracy of the information provided.
the booking process includes the following steps:
Step 1: searching for a hotel and selecting a room and a rate;
Step 2: checking the booking details, the total price and the applicable terms and conditions of sale, making the necessary changes to the selection (room, rate, supplementary services), only in the case of online bookings;
Step 3: filling in the customer's details;
Step 4: consulting and accepting the terms and conditions of sale of hotel são mamede (harsons sa), the partner's specific conditions of sale and the conditions of sale of the rate booked before confirming the booking;
Step 5: entering credit card details in the event of a guarantee or prepayment request;
Step 6: confirmation of the booking by the customer;
9. Acknowledgement of receipt of booking
The hotel são mamede (harsons sa) website or its partners confirm receipt of the customer's booking by immediately sending an e-mail to the address previously entered by the customer.
for online bookings, the acknowledgement of receipt of the booking sent by email summarises the contract offer, the services booked, the prices, the conditions of sale accepted by the customer for the rate selected, the date of the booking, information relating to after-sales service and the address of the hotel supplier's premises to which the customer should send any complaints.
10 customer service
A customer service centre is available to deal with any complaints relating to hotel bookings.
Access the contact area
To get in touch with us:
Hotel são mamede (harsons sa)
Avenida marginal , 7105
2765-607 estoril
Telephone: 214659110 (call to national landline)
11. Cancellation or modification at the customer's initiative
The customer is reminded that, in accordance with article (see articles), he does not have the right of cancellation provided for in article (see articles) of the same code.
the conditions of sale of the reserved tariff specify the terms of cancellation and/or modification of the reservation.
Reservations with prepayment cannot be modified and/or cancelled in any way, and amounts paid in advance as a deposit cannot be refunded. This situation is indicated in the conditions of sale of the rate.
where permitted by the conditions of sale of the rate booked:
Reservations can be cancelled directly by contacting the hotel, by email , by telephone +351 214659110 (national landline), by using the contact form.
in the event of early cancellation by the client, the total agreed price will be charged. In the case of a pre-payment booking, no refund will be made for this reason.
Unless expressly stated otherwise, the client must leave the room before 12 noon on the last day of the booking. In the event of non-compliance, an additional night will be charged.
Reservations are personal and may not, under any circumstances, be transferred to third parties, either free of charge, at any cost or for commercial purposes.
12. Stay at the hotel
Under the terms of the regulations in force, the client will be asked for identification on arrival at the hotel, so that a check can be carried out to decide whether or not it is necessary to complete the registration.
The hotel are mamede (harsons sa) does not allow the stay of pets in its premises.. The customer agrees and undertakes to use his room responsibly. Therefore, any conduct contrary to normally accepted standards of behaviour and public order will cause the hotel owners to ask the customer to leave the premises without any compensation and/or refund, in case any payment has been made. If no payment has been made, the customer must pay the price of the nights already enjoyed before leaving the hotel.. The hotel are mamede (harsons sa) has internal regulations for customers. The customer accepts and undertakes to respect these regulations. In the event that a customer does not comply with any provision of the internal rules, hotel managers will be obliged to request the customer to leave the premises without compensation and/refund if any payment has already been made. The hotel sao mamede (harsons sa) has wifi (free) that allows the customer to have internet access. The customer warrants that the computer resources made available to him by the hotel are not used for reproduction, representation, availability or public disclosure of works or objects protected by copyright or related rights, such as texts, images, photographs, musical works, audiovisual works, software or video games, without the authorization of the copyright holder, whenever such authorization is required
The customer who fails to comply with the aforementioned obligation risks being found guilty of copyright infringement. The customer must also comply with the security policy of the internet service provider of the hotel and the rules of use of security resources, whose purpose is to prevent the illicit use of computer resourcesif acts that may diminish the effectiveness of those same remedies.
13. Guarantees
You will receive a contractual warranty applicable to the service.
14. Responsibility
General information
The photographs displayed on the hotel website are mamede (harsons sa) or on the website or mobile services of its partners are merely illustrative. Although every effort is made to ensure that the photographs, graphic representations and text used to illustrate the hotels are a picture of the accommodation made available, variations may occur, mainly as a result of changes in furniture or possible refurbishments.
The hotel are mamede (harsons sa) can not be held responsible for the failure or inadequate compliance of reservations in cases of force majeure, unpredictable or insurmountable actions of third parties or the actions of the customer, particularly the unavailability of the internet network inability to access the website, external interference, computer viruses or unauthorized prepayment by the cardholder’s bank.
Links may direct you to sites other than the hotel site are mamede (harsons sa). The hotel are mamede (harsons sa) assumes no liability for the content of these websites or the content made available therein.
Any reservation or irregular, ineffective, incomplete or fraudulent payment for reasons attributable to the customer will result in the cancellation of the order at the customer’s expense, without prejudice to any civil or criminal actions brought against the customer.
Partner services
In addition to the foregoing provisions, please note that partners are responsible for promoting the offers posted on the websites, mobile services and/or any other tool to access the website and/or mobile services.
15. Complaints
In order to facilitate the process, complaints relating to failure to perform or poor quality of performance of hotel services must be reported to the hotel are mamede (harsons sa) in writing within eight days of the date of departure from the hotel, either directly to the hotel or through the customer service address indicated above.
16. Prices
Prices for booking services are indicated before and during the booking.
The prices shown concern the room, for the number of persons and the dates selected.
Prices are confirmed to the customer with all taxes included in the hotel’s commercial currency and are valid only for the period indicated on the website.
if payment to the hotel is made in a currency other than that confirmed in the booking, the customer is responsible for the exchange rates.
All reservations regardless of their origin must be paid in the local currency of the hotel unless expressly stated otherwise at the hotel.
The hotel are mamede (harsons sa) does not provide additional services (breakfast, half board, full board, etc.) Directly, unless the disclosure of some service of its partners. Any additional service is not included in the price and is the responsibility of the hotel partners are mamede (harsons sa)
. The tourist tax, specified on the rates page, must be paid directly to the hotel and is not included in the online prepayments.
prices include applicable vat on the day of booking, and any change applicable to the vat rate will be automatically reflected in the prices shown on the billing date.
Any change or introduction of new statutory or regulatory fees imposed by competent authorities will be automatically reflected in the prices shown on the date of billing.
conversion to foreign currency is indicative and not contractual. Only the currency confirmed in the reserve is guaranteed.
If a certain rate stipulates that payment must be made on arrival or departure of the hotel and the customer’s currency is not the same as that of the hotel, the rate charged by the hotel may differ from that indicated at the time of booking due to a possible difference between the exchange rate at the date of booking and the date of stay.
When confirming the customer’s reservation, the hotel are mamede (harsons sa) will indicate the total amount of the reservation.
Rates may increase due to various taxes, depending on the city/country. The customer agrees to pay such taxes without holding the hotel mamede (harsons sa)
some promotional offers available on the internet are sold exclusively on the internet, that is, remotely, and never at the hotel reception.
17. Payment
the customer makes his bank details available as guarantee of the reservation, except in cases in which special conditions apply, using a credit or debit card (visa or mastercard), indicating directly in the reserved area (secure entry by ssl encryption) the card number without spaces, the expiry date and the security code as prepaid through online platforms. The hotel may also request an identification document to avoid possible fraud with bank cards.
Payment is debited at any time before check-in for online reservations. In direct and face-to-face reservations payment is made upon check-in.
in case of no-show (booking not cancelled - the customer does not show) in a reservation guaranteed by credit card, the hotel will charge a fixed fee for compensation, equivalent to the amount indicated in the conditions of each rate on the website, the credit card provided as guarantee of the reservation. Any additional nights booked will be cancelled without any charges, unless otherwise stated in the conditions of sale of the reserved rate.
To ensure your safety the hotel are mamede (harsons sa) uses the data of credit cards entered at the time of booking (pages with ssl certificate) and debits the value of the same in a terminal fisíco company. Payment cards may be refused for several reasons: stolen or blocked card, credit limit reached, mistake in entering, etc. In case of problems, the customer will have to contact his bank and the hotel to confirm the reservation and payment method.
At the time of prepayment, the amount charged for the reservation includes the price of the accommodation and the taxes related to the accommodation.
18. Conservation - archiving
The hotel are mamede (harsons sa) guarantees the filing of the written document confirming the conclusion of any contract of value equal to or greater than one hundred and twenty (120) euros, from the time of conclusion until the provision of the services, for a period of 10 (10) years. Access to this document is also guaranteed at any time during this period.
contract documents will be filed in electronic or paper format.
19. Privacy and protection of personal data
The hotel are mamede (harsons sa) processes personal data, for which it is responsible.
The customer is informed in all personal data forms of the mandatory or optional nature of the responses through the use of an asterisk.
If information identified as mandatory is not available, hotel são mamede (harsons sa) may not be able to register the reservation or manage claims made by the customer.
The information processed is intended for the hotel are mamede (harsons sa), group entities, partners, service providers (in particular online payment and maintenance service providers)
the data collected by the hotel is mamede (harsons sa) (identification data, contact information, personal and professional data, economic and financial information) may be subject to cross-border flows to non-eu states, which, in turn, may not offer an adequate level of data protection. Data may be communicated to partners located in any country in the world in order to provide the services that the customer wishes to enjoy, when such flows are required as part of the completion of the contractual relationships between the hotel are mamede (harsons sa) and the customer, or the contractual relationships between the hotel are mamede (harsons sa) and a third party in the customer’s interest.
Within the framework of pre-contractual measures for the purpose of booking or executing the hotel booking contract, each of them may, in accordance with relevance, be the recipient of identifying data, personal and professional data, as well as economic information, in particular for the execution of the reservation at the hotel and for the management of complaints.
The hotel are mamede (harsons sa) has obtained authorization from the cnpd (national data protection commission), allowing the hotel are mamede (harsons sa) transfer the categories of data mentioned above to all countries in which are headquartered the providers and subsidiaries services, for the purpose of managing customer relations, reservations, customer preferences and marketing and promotion management.
The customer may authorize the hotel are mamede (harsons sa) to communicate their personal data to third parties in accordance with the customer’s personal data protection plan.
The customer has the right to object for legitimate reasons, to question, to access and correct his data through written communication sent to
The hotel are mamede (harsons sa) processes personal data for the purpose of prevention and to ensure the safety of property and people, as well as to respond to outstanding debts. For these reasons, the hotel may decide to include in the "blacklist" category any customer whose behaviour was inappropriate through one of the following means: aggression and indelicacy, breach of the hotel contract, non-compliance with security rules, theft, damage and vandalism or problems payment related. These data are mandatory. Blacklist status may cause the hotel in which the listing originated to refuse the reservation of a customer returning to the hotel within a period of 122 or 450 days, depending on the reasons (in the event of aggression to employees and/or customers, fight on hotel premises, insults, threats or intimidatory behaviour towards employees and/or customers, disturbing noise to other customers, damage to security equipment, unnecessary activation of safety equipment or other actions leading to safety risks for employees and/or customers). Data relating to blacklisting status and customer identity are intended for authorized personnel at the hotel from which the listing originated, as well as the hotel are mamede (harsons sa)
the personal data protection policy can be consulted in the above topic
20. Agreement on evidence
The introduction of the required bank details, as well as the acceptance of these terms and conditions, the conditions of sale for the reserved rate and the booking form or request, as well as for any specific hotel conditions are mamede(harsons sa) by e-mail they constitute an electronic signature with the same value as a physical signature on paper between both parties.
The computer records held in the hotel’s it systems are mamede (harsons sa) are maintained under reasonable security levels and are considered as evidence of communication, reservations and payments between parties.
21. Relocation
In the event of an overbooking, or in cases of force majeure, the hotel reserves the possibility of hosting the customer in whole or in part a hotel of equivalent category for the same type of services.
22. Force majeure
The concept of force majeure is understood as any event beyond the control of the parties, of unpredictable and insurmountable nature, which prevents the customer or the hotel from fulfilling all or part of the obligations set forth in the contract. Cases of force majeure or fortuitous events are usually recognized by the case law of the portuguese courts.
Neither party shall be liable to the other in the event of a breach of its obligations as a result of a force majeure event. It is expressly agreed that force majeure shall suspend for both parties the performance of their reciprocal obligations and that each party shall bear the resulting charges.
23. Settlement of disputes
In the event of a dispute relating to these terms and conditions, the customer is informed by the hotel are mamede (harsons sa) of the possibility of recourse to a conventional mediation procedure or any alternative methods of dispute settlement, according to the conditions present in the consumer code.
The guest must first contact the customer services or the hotel to try to resolve the dispute amicably. If the answer is negative or in the absence of a response within sixty (60) days, the guest can contact the arbitration center of conflicts of consumption of cascais, in the information center autárquico consumer 24. Applicable law
The terms and conditions of sale of the hotel are mamede (harsons sa) are regulated by portuguese law. These terms and conditions of use are governed by english law.
Any disputes arising out of or relating to these terms and conditions of use shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the portuguese courts that are competent under portuguese law.
When you are a consumer, you can access the european online dispute resolution platform provided by the european commission and available at, for alternative out-of-court dispute resolution that cannot be resolved between the parties.
We make no representation that the materials on this site are appropriate or available for use elsewhere, and access to them from territories where content is illegal is prohibited. Those who choose to access this site from other locations do so at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with local laws, including laws relating to the transmission of technical data exported from portugal or the country in which you reside.
25. The entire agreement
General information
These terms and conditions of sale, conditions of sale of the rate reserved by the customer and the hotel booking form or request are mamede (harsons sa) express the obligations of the parties in their entirety.
No specific or general condition communicated by the customer can be incorporated into these terms and conditions.
The documents constituting the contractual obligations between the parties are, in descending order of priority, the booking form or request (which covers the specific conditions of the reserved rate) and these terms and conditions.
In the event of a dispute between the booking form and the terms and conditions, only the provisions of the booking form apply to the obligation in question.
Partner services
In the event of a conflict between the general terms and conditions or the terms and conditions of use of the website, or between the terms and conditions of sale of the hotel are mamede (harsa), apply the provisions hereinif the obligation in question.
26. Nullity
If one or more stipulations of the hotel’s terms and conditions of sale are mamede (harsons sa) are found to be invalid or thus determined either by the application of a law or regulation following a final judgment of a court having jurisdiction, the other stipulations retain their validity and scope.
27. Language
the language that makes faith is portuguese.
if the hotel terms and conditions are mamede (harsons sa) are translated into a foreign language, the portuguese language shall prevail over any other translation in the event of a dispute, legal action, difficulties in the interpretation or in the execution of these terms and conditions of sale, and, more generally, with regard to the relationships between the parties.
28. Development/modification of online terms and conditions
The terms and conditions of use may be modified and updated by the operator at any time, in particular to adapt to changes in laws or regulations.
The applicable terms and conditions of use are those in force at the time of browsing the website, so it is recommended that you read them periodically if material changes are made to these terms and conditions of use, users will be notified through specific notices posted on the website before any material changes become effective. In particular, we will post on this page the most current version of these terms and conditions of use on the website and indicate the date of last update at the top of this page to reflect the date of the changes. We reserve the right to update and change these terms without notice to reflect legal and regulatory changes. By using our website after a change to the terms and conditions of use, this will demonstrate your acceptance of the updated terms and conditions of use.
29: divisibility, non-renunciation
The provisions of these terms and conditions of use are independent. If any of these provisions becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, in whole or in part, it shall be removed and deleted, to the extent required, and the remaining provisions shall remain in force. Failure to exercise or not enforce any right or provision of these terms and conditions of use by the user, or failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these terms and conditions of use by the operator shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
30 links to the website
You may link to the home page of the website provided that it is fair and legal and does not damage or take advantage of our reputation.
You must not link to any subpages of any password-protected area of the website or make any direct links to files on the website made available to you.
The user shall not:
- establish a link suggesting any association, approval or endorsement by the operator or manager, unless otherwise authorised in writing;
- placing such links on any other website that contains any content that is unlawful, infringes any rights, such as the intellectual property rights of another person or contains any adult content;
- framing the website on any other website or linking to any part of the website other than the homepage.
We may terminate any connection permission at any time and object to such links and require you to remove them.
If you wish to create a link or make any use of the website content other than the terms described above, you must contact us through
31 links to third party sites/offers
The website may include links to third party websites or offers. These links and third party offers are provided for informational purposes only. We are not responsible (i) for the availability of such third party websites or offers, or (ii) for the accuracy or reliability of their content. Unless we expressly state otherwise, we are not associated with or liable for these third party websites or offers or their content. Third-party websites and offers will also have their own terms and conditions, so it is important to check the terms and conditions of third-party websites and offers to make sure you accept them before using them.
32 responsibility
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the operator is exempt from any liability in the following cases:
In case of temporary impossibility of access to the website for technical maintenance or update of published information. You also acknowledge and agree that the operation of the website depends on the proper functioning of the internet and telephone networks, and that the operator does not guarantee or will in any way be liable for these.
In case of virus attacks, illegal intrusion into an automated data processing system;
In case of abnormal or unlawful use of the website by a user or a third party;
Regarding the content of third party websites to which they are linked through links on the website;
In case of breach of these terms and conditions of use attributable to users;
In the event of delay or non-compliance with its obligations, where the cause of the delay or non-compliance is linked to a case of force majeure;
In the case of an external cause not attributable to the operator.
The operator is exempt from any liability arising from any problems experienced during the stay or an unlawful act by an operator or user, or the contractual breach of an operator or a user who is(s) is imputable in the context of booking a stay.
The operator is exempt from any liability arising from an unlawful act by the operator or a user, or from the contractual breach of the operator or a user who is(s) liable in the context of the booking of a stay.
In the event of abnormal or unlawful use of the website, you are solely responsible for any damages caused to third parties and the consequences of any claims or actions that may result.
The operator makes reasonable efforts to make the website available at any time, but cannot guarantee that it will be available continuously or error-free, reserving the right to, at any time and from time to time, modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, access to the website (or any part of it) with or without notice, for commercial, operational and security reasons. You agree that the operator shall not be liable to you for any modification, suspension or discontinuity.
Unless expressly agreed otherwise in these terms and conditions of use, the website and its content are provided "as is" and "as available". The operator does not warrant or represent that the website and its content are free of defects and errors, or that are accurate, up-to-date and reliable. The website editor reserves the right to correct any errors or omissions and to make changes to the website.
Although the operator takes reasonable steps to prevent the introduction of viruses or malware, it does not warrant that the website or any content that may be downloaded from the website is free of such destructive software. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the operator shall not be liable for any damages or losses caused by such software. You are responsible for the configuration of your computers, laptops, smartphones and any other devices accessing the website and obtaining, maintenance and use of applicable virus protection software and other security devices when using the website. We recommend you use your own virus protection software.
The operator shall not be liable for any cgpu. However, you will use reasonable efforts to promptly remove any terms and conditions of use that violate these terms and conditions as soon as you become aware of the situation, including through a termination of a user the website, that can be done through
You will be liable for any loss that the operator or its subsidiaries may suffer as a result of your breach of these terms and conditions of use. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the operator or its subsidiaries from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs resulting from your breach of these terms and conditions of use or applicable laws.
The operator does not moderate the cgpu. However, you reserve the right to review account activity and, if any illegal, fraudulent, unacceptable, inappropriate or automated use of the website or its content, or any portion of its content is detected; or if you violate these terms and conditions, or if you engage in any activity that is harmful to the operator or our users, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the website, or delete your account without notice and without prejudice to your other rights.
In any event, and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the operator shall not be liable for loss of profits, sales, business, or revenue, business interruption, loss of expected savings, any loss or damage to data, goodwill or reputation; or any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage.
33 data protection:
For the creation of your account, the collection of information at the time of registration on the website is necessary and mandatory.
By accessing and using the website, we collect and process, to the extent permitted by law, the personal data you provide us with (such as name, date of birth, email address, booking details, etc.) Or generated as a result of accessing and using the website.
When you book a hotel room or sign up for the loyalty programme, you are asked to provide personal data.
When using the mobile applications, geolocation data is also collected in order to offer personalized services.
This data is processed in accordance with personal data protection law 58/2019, of 8 august 2016/679 of 27 april 2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
You have a permanent right to access, modification, rectification, opposition, portability and limitation of the processing of information concerning you, which may be exercised under the conditions and as defined in the privacy policy